Jentner Global Management provides institutions with investment management services, including portfolios customized specifically for endowments and foundations. Our portfolios are structured to preserve principal over the long term while pursuing growth.
Jentner’s investment strategy is based on lowering risk while capturing the returns of the market. Even though 2000 through 2009 was called the lost decade, the core strategies implemented by Jentner Global Management provided clients with net annual compounded returns that were more than 4% above major indices, all while reducing overall risk.
The Jentner ProActive Investment Strategy™ is based upon a passively engineered philosophy. Founded on broad diversification, our portfolios invest in more than 10,000 companies on six continents. Maintaining a discerning mix of global investments, the portfolios strive for preservation during uncertain times and market participation during expansionary times. This delivers long-term results across many market cycles and provides confidence in one’s investments.
The Jentner ProActive Investment Strategy™ can help your organization achieve the financial control, stability, and growth you desire. It’s the cool-headed approach, which history suggests makes for better returns, providing steadiness in good and tough times.* Never was there a better time to put proactive asset-class-focused investing to work for you.
*According to Standard & Poor’s Indices Versus Active Funds Scorecard and Asset Management: Active Versus Passive Management by Rex A. Sinquefield
Why Choose Jentner? Confidence and Peace of Mind
Choosing Jentner’s time-tested strategy provides confidence and peace of mind that your institution’s funds are prudently invested. Preserve your portfolio and seek the returns of the market by investing with Jentner Global Management.